The Different Kinds of Garage Door Springs
There are two types of spring setups that you will have to deal with when it comes to repairing garage door springs. You should first know what type of setup you have. If you have a single, large spring mounted overhead, then you have the torsion setup. If you have a couple or so pairs of smaller springs, then you have the extension setup. We service both of these styles of springs, so you can call us anytime if you want assistance with installation, repair or adjustment.
The Galvanized Torsion Springs
Torsion springs are very strong. They are built to last for years. When they finally come to the limit of their functional lifespan, then you should have us provide you with a replacement. It is highly not advisable for amateur do-it-yourselfers to do the replacement and adjustment of an overhead door spring because of the dangers that it poses. If mishandled, a torsion spring will turn deadly. There have already been plenty of reports of incidences of maiming simply because these people weren't able to secure the spring properly in place when attempting to adjust it. Don't let yourself be a victim of this and just call in the experts who, in this case, would be us. Not only do we have the tools but we also have the expertise to keep safe.
Extension Spring Repair
Extension springs require a different approach when they are being repaired or adjusted. One of the dangers of this type of spring is its potential to fly off their mounts. This is why we offer services to properly secure extension coils. When you avail of this spring repair service, we thread a safety cable through the coils and lock them in place with bolts. We can also replace older extension garage door springs that only have hooks at the ends with newer, much safer ones that have brackets and bolts that can be secured in place. These newer models prevent these springs from flying off and hurting people who may be in close proximity.
Call In The Experts
Servicing springs is something that should only be attempted by experts because of the dangers involved. Call us up at Garage Door Repair Maplewood and we'll be happy to help!